
Only £75 per month, with the freedom to cancel anytime
Immediate access to a free trial and registration
Completely user-friendly interface
Receive a complimentary phone tour for guidance
Total management of your documents
Access to industry-standard documents for England, Scotland, and Northern Irelandbr> Accommodates up to 2500 Estate Planning Consultants (EPCs)
Instant technical support via phone
Instant phone technical support
No upselling, à la carte pricing, or marketing ploys

Document Production

Individual and Joint (mirror) Will options
Overseas assets
Executorship and guardianship provisions
Funeral preferences
Digital property
Tax relief for business properties
Trusts for asset protection
Trusts for individuals with disabilities
Inheritance tax mitigation
Confirmation sheets for witnessing (potential new clients)
Draft Guardian and Executor letters (more potential clients)

Additional Services

On-site Estate Planning Consultant (EPC) and drafter training at your chosen location
Tailored clauses and trusts to suit your needs
Personalised software branding and logo
Incorporation of law firm or trust corporation appointment clauses
Installation on your server, or hosted on our own platform